Wednesday, December 9, 2009

reading Icelandic

I found an article in Icelandic about Yohanna - a very talented Icelandic singer that I really enjoy listening to (yes, she sings in English, so just search on youtube for her songs).
Just for fun I started reading, and discovered that I understood most of it!
Well, the languages are related and we studied Icelandic a little bit (like 2 lessons) when we had Swedish in High School.
I read the first paragraph and it almost gave me head ache trying to really focus and use my brain to understand. :)
If someone Icelandic reads this they are very welcome to correct me if I am wrong, but I think the first bit means this:

Jóhanna Guðrún Jónsdóttir söng sig inn í hjörtu landsmanna ung að árum.
Jóhanna Guðrún Jónsdóttir (Yohanna - J is pronounced like a Y in the Norse languages) sang her way into her countrymen's heart young and old (not sure about the two last words)
Hún hefur alla tíð sett sönginn í fyrsta sæti og það hefur kostað mikinn tíma og erfiði.
She has aways prioritized the singing and it has cost her a lot of time and hard work.

But my brain is aching...

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